Why Atheists love Christmas, a Party


Thursday 12/22/11 8:00 pm

Mother Solstice Tangos with Space Virus

When do non-believers dance and feast?
Why December 23 my darling beast!
Just after the longest, darkest night,
eve’s eve of the Baby J and Red Guy fight
sexy humanists have their day
for a rollick, a frolic, a merry make – hurray!
come along, yo
and join the fete
bring a dish to pass
and together we’ll get
down with DNA, evolution and physics
kiss in the shadows, seduce the mystics
with the magic of science and the blessings of life
a dizzy chautauqua late into the night
gorgeous creatures, moving poems
clever apes and their crazy koans
no maudlin drunks will be admitted
just the glorious tribe to fun committed
trust we’ll see you smiling by 8:00
bring a sleeping bag and prepare to sate
your lust for life, thou humane be
we’ll dance well into twenty three
from solstice right through
starting on the twenty two